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Sad news for the older members

Sad news for the older members

Diane Howells22 Jan - 14:56
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First sad news of the year

Two long standing members of TRFC passed away in the last few days.
Bill Evans, 94, was also an RAF veteran, and could possibly have been attracted to TRFC back in the late 50s and early 60s when TRFC members held their meetings and booze ups at The RAFA club in Southend Road, before moving to the “old” club in Long Lane. In later years he could be seen supporting at home games and attending the VP lunches. He loved to reminisce about the old days.

Irishman Hugh Murphy developed pneumonia and died over the weekend. He was a quietly spoken man who spent many hours painting and decorating in the club. He single handedly painted the hall on a few occasions and always without payment.
Both these men will be missed and TRFC sends sincere condolences to their family and friends.

Further reading